
Energy Independence

Wataalamu Oil Consultancy Ltd. is part of an initiative labelled "Energy Independence" that aims at making natural gas available to industrial users that are unable to receive gas due to the remote locations of their plants. The advent of cost-effective technology for the liquefaction of small volumes of gas is now rendering feasible the conversion to the gas of these industrial users. The approach is particularly captivating when the small-scale LNG facility can be deployed in an oil field where large quantities of gas are being flared; as such, several objectives are concurrently achieved:

  • Making use of a resource previously wasted
  • Reducing the pollution of the environment by eliminating a good portion of the gas currently flared
  • Compliance with international climate protocols
  • Providing a cheaper fuel, making these industries more competitive in their market
  • Reducing the diesel imports for the countries, thus progressing on their energy independence.

Here below are a few pictures illustrating this initiative:

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Small-scale LNG plant
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Generator converted to run on a mixture gas/diesel (70%/30%)
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Mining haul truck converted to bi-fuel